VRS Staff

Mr Kreas Padayachee                          Tumuaki/ Principal

Mrs Kay Kendall                                     Deputy Principal / SENCO


Mrs Catherine Blackmore New Entrant in Kaakano 

Miss Ceri Taylor                                     Year 1 & 2                   in Room 6 Te Wana

Mr Steven Mills Year 2 & 3 in Room 10 Te Toro 

Mrs Sandra Moonsamy                                Year 2 & 3                  in Room 7 Puaawai

Mrs Charmaine Strydom                      Year 4, 5 & 6                  in Room 9 Tupu 

Mrs Teressa Watts                                 Year 4, 5 & 6                 in Room 8 Marama

Mrs Raukura Baker             Year 7 & 8                  in Room 14 Moohio 

Ms Emma Sweeney                              Year 7 & 8                   in Room 13 Matatau 

Ms Amy Charles Release 


Whaea Piki Jakeman                            Kapa Haka / Te Reo

Matua Selwyn Henare

Ms Bobby South and 

Mrs Amanda Van de Westerlo                   Food Technology

Mrs Toni Ristic                                            Hard Materials Technology

Ms Sue Walsham                               Visual Art 

Mrs Jennifer Foy                                    Office Administrator   

Mrs Trish Holmes                                  Teacher Aide 

Ms Alex Douglas                                  Teacher Aide

Miss Hunter Sweeney                                    Teacher Aide

Mrs Emma Holmes Teacher Aide

Ms Bridgette Manuel Grounds(wo)man

Our Super Support Staff 

Trish Holmes

Trish has been at View Road School for DECADES now, that’s how much she loves us.  Almost as much as we love her!  When whanau turn up, Trish knows them all, their parents, their kids, cousins; the lot hehe.  It’s people like Trish that make our school so welcoming, because she cares, and we care right back. Trish spends huge amounts of time, paid and unpaid, supporting our tamariki, whanau and staff and we LOVE her for it.  If we need to know anything, like where things are, or what the TA’s should be up to, we ask Trish.  She is super experienced, kind yet clear on her expectations.  Be sure to let Trish know how much we appreciate her if you see her around. 

Jennifer Foy

Jennifer is the first person you will meet when you pop into our friendly office. She also might be the first that puts a plaster on or gives you an icepack should you need it! She has been at View Road School for ages and is well known through the community. She is always keen to organise events and is constantly on the look out for ways that View Road can be involved in the wider Waiuku area. Jennifer loves her family of boys, walking and gardening! As with all our support staff Mrs Foy loves to be involved in all aspects of View Road School life. 

Alex Douglas

Alex is a legend; ask your kids! She works mostly in learning support with our Senior students and she takes no nonsense.  Every day Alex brings her A+ game, she is positive firm, fair and decent.  Any job we give Alex gets done with super efficiency and if we don’t find a job, she finds one herself. In fact, we often feel tired watching her work (she literally NEVER stops). Once she loved her job as a TA of Juniors…now she loves those senior kids, huh! Along with all that, Alex makes our staff happy with her endless positivity and can-do attitude.  Everyone wants Alex in their room.  If you see Alex around, be sure to say “Hi”. 

Hunter Sweeney 

bio to come 

Emma Holmes 

Emma is our latest addition and an absolute legend at that.  She just jumps right in there and does exactly what’s needed, lightening the load for us all.  Emma is endlessly positive regardless of what we throw at her and an absolute sponge when it comes to learning.  As for all our TA’s Emma goes above and beyond. She helps whoever needs help, whenever she can. On top of all that, Emma does some decent fundraisers (pretty much by herself) to raise funds for our tamariki.  It doesn’t get much better than that. Be sure to say “hi” to Emma when you see her! 
